Ensuring Compliance with Tail Lift Legislation in Ireland


In recent years, businesses have faced increasing regulatory requirements across health, safety, and environmental standards, along with additional compliance measures set by their own customers. Keeping up with these legal obligations is essential for maintaining safety, avoiding penalties, and ensuring smooth operations.


Tail Lift Legislation in Ireland


By law, all tail lifts must undergo a thorough inspection by a “competent person” and be weight tested to ensure compliance with tail lift legislation. According to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), a competent person is defined as someone who:


“possesses sufficient training, experience, and knowledge appropriate to the nature of the work to be undertaken, considering the size or hazards (or both) of the undertaking or establishment in which they work.”

(HSA Guide to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, Page 10)


Tail lifts are often mistakenly categorized as goods lifts by operators and government departments. However, in reality, tail lifts frequently carry not only goods but also truck drivers and warehouse operatives. Under Irish law, if a tail lift is used to lift a person, it is considered a passenger lift.


At Ballinlough, we treat all tail lifts as passenger lifts, ensuring they meet the higher safety standards required for passenger lift compliance. This means:

? Thorough inspections every 6 months

? Annual weight testing


Latest HSA Guidance on Tail Lifts


The HSA’s latest guidance, Safe Vehicle Tailboard Goods Lift Operations (published June 2020), outlines key responsibilities for tail lift owners and employers, including:

• Retaining records of risk assessments, inspections, and examinations

• Keeping a copy of the thorough examination report in the vehicle’s cab

• Ensuring all operators are properly trained

• Implementing fall prevention measures, based on a risk assessment


All tail lifts covered by Ballinlough’s maintenance contracts are examined twice a year and weight-tested annually, ensuring full compliance with Chapter 2, Part 2 of the Health, Safety & Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007. This guarantees that your fleet remains legally compliant and operational at all times.


Need Expert Advice on Tail Lift Compliance?


If you have any questions about tail lift legislation, safety standards, maintenance requirements, or compliance, our expert Sales & Service team is here to help.


? Contact Us:

? Dublin: 01-4600322

? Cork: 021-488 2077

? Roscommon: 094-96 40045


? Click below to learn more about our Tail Lift Servicing solutions.

Click here for more information on Tail Lift Servicing